Art Opens Doors

Art Opens Doors

ENG Art Opens Doors is an art oriented societal integration program for families and young people within the Ukrainian community in Finland. The project will take place between August 2024 and January 2025.

FIN Art Opens Doors on taidelähtöinen kotouttamisohjelma ukrainalaisille perheille ja nuorille. Hanke järjestetään elokuun 2024 ja tammikuun 2025 välillä. 

UA Ви нещодавно переїхали до Фінляндії з України? Вам подобається мистецтво та культура? Приєднуйтесь до нашої програми #ArtOpensDoors у Гельсінкі з серпня 2024 року по січень 2025 року

Finnish Language Cafe and Music Play School for families on Tuesdays 9.30-11.00, starting 17th of September.

Theater group for children (9 to 14 year old) (Starting 14th of August 2024, Children's Culture Center Musikantit).

Music Play School  and Finnish Language Cafe for families on Tuesdays 9.30-11.00, starting 17th of September.

Art hours for the whole family (October 2024, Children's Culture Center Musikantit).

"As a Family in Finland" -expo with welfare organizations 24th October 5-7 PM, 2024 Laakavuori primary school.

Ending discussion for the parents on the topic of integration process (January 2025, Children's Culture Center Musikantit)